
The template describes a rendering format - a layout recommendations on your webpage. Below are the layouts supported by VueX:

  • Carousel 
  • Tabbed carousel 
  • Grid templates.

The template allows you to specify the layout of the recommendation module on the website. For example, you can set up a recommendation on your home page with a carousel template that allows customers to scroll through a collection of products. VueX provides options to format and style templates using the template builder.  You can also customize the template by adding custom code to the CSS file provided by VueX.

The Grid layout is the most recent addition to the VueX templating options. Typically, a grid is used when you want to show multiple products without the user having to scroll horizontally. This is especially useful in mobile websites where the natural scroll direction is vertical. 

Note: If you use APIs to populate the content of the module then you must use your own layouts/UI to display the recommendations on the website.

Create a Template

  1. Choose Assets >  Templates from the top navigation bar.
  2. Click New Template.
  3. Enter a name for your template.

  4. Click Select Template Type and select the template you want to create. The Manage Template page is displayed. 

  5. Choose Desktop to create the template for a desktop site or choose Mobile to create a mobile site template.

  6. Edit the following template fields. You can view the formatting changes in the Template Preview pane.


Field Name




Choose font type from the drop-down

Font Size

Enter the font size by moving up or down the arrow

Font Weight

Choose font-weight from the drop-down.

Font Color

Choose font color by clicking on the color palette


Choose the alignment for the title. You can align the title left, right, or center.

Line Style

Choose the line style from the drop-down for the line below the title. You can also specify the length, thickness, color for a particular line style.

Tabs > Font & Alignment

You can edit Tabs only if you choose Carousel with tabs template type.


Choose the font for the tab from the drop-down.

Font Size

Select font size by moving up or down the arrow


Choose the alignment for the title. You can align the tab left, right, or center.

Tabs > Font Weight

The active tab refers to the tab currently being used.

The inactive tab refers to any other open tabs.


Choose the font-weight for the active tab from the drop-down.


Choose the font-weight for the inactive tab from the drop-down.

Tabs > Font Color


Choose the font color for the active tab from the color palette.


Choose the font color for the inactive tab from the color palette

Tabs > Tabs Highlight Color 


 Choose the tab highlight color for the active tab from the color palette.


 Choose the tab highlight color for the inactive tab from the color palette.

Layout > Properties

Number of Columns

Specify the number of columns to include in a carousel.

Product Image Source

Choose the product image link from the drop-down. The drop-down values are obtained from the catalog. The default value is image_url. You can choose to include a high-resolution image, a small image, or any image you have specified in the catalog. 

Product Details

Select product details to be included below the product image. By default, title and price are included. To add more product details, click +. You can specify a maximum of 4 product details. 

Grid > Layout > Properties
ManualManually select the number of rows and columns per page from the drop-down.
Calculate based on areaAutomatically calculate and display grid based on the available space. You can specify the Maximum width of the product cards and the Number of displayed rows per page.
Lazy Loading Click Lazy Loading to defer the images in the template from loading, until it is in viewport of the user. You can provide a placeholder image to be displayed until the actual image is loaded. Lazy loading improves the initial page load time while decreasing the bandwidth consumption.
Custom CTAClick Add New CTA to add a new Call To Action button. You can edit the Javacript to define the properties of the CTA and add as many as custom CTAs as required. For example, you can customize a CTA to trigger actions such as Add To Cart or Add To Wishlist. This Javascript code will be executed when the module is rendered on your site, enabling custom events and actions.
Grid > Layout > Pagination
Infinite ScrollSelect Infinite Scroll from the drop-down to enable a long page scroll without a limit.
Call-To-Action (CTA)Select Call-To-Action (CTA) from the drop-down to display the configured CTA.

Image Tags

Optional. Text or dynamic values to be displayed on the product image. For example, if you want to highlight or promote a product, you can include tags such as “New’’, ”Sale”, “10% off” to be displayed on top of the product image. 

To add an image tag, click +. We recommend adding a maximum of only two image tags.

Image Tag Identifier

Enter a name for your image tag.

Customize Image Tag to be displayed

There are three ways to specify an image tag:

  • Enter plain text.

    • To create a text image tag, choose Text type from the drop-down, and enter the text in the tag field.

  • Choose an attribute.

    • To create an image tag with an attribute, choose the Attribute type from the drop-down, and choose the attribute from the tag drop-down.

  • Enter a combination of text and attribute.

    • To create an image tag combining text and attribute, create two rows with text type tag and attribute type tag. For example, to create an image tag Sale <discount>% create a text type tag with value Sale and create an attribute type tag with value <discount%>


You can set filtering rules to identify products on which the image tag should be displayed.

Layout > Style > Image


Choose the border style around the product image from the drop-down.

Border Color

Choose the border color from the color palette


Choose the border thickness by moving up or down the arrow.

Layout > Style > Product Details 

Click on each product detail to edit the formatting style.


Choose font type from the drop-down

Font Size

Select font size by moving up or down the arrow

Font Weight

Choose font-weight from the drop-down

Font Color

Choose font color by clicking on the color palette


Choose the alignment for the title. You can align the text left, right, or center. You can also choose to trim the product detail text to a single line or display the complete text.

Layout > Style > Carousel Icon

Carousel icons are navigation arrows on the side that enable you to slide through the carousel manually.

Icon Style

Display style of the carousel navigation arrows.

You can choose from one of the following icon styles:

Icon Background                            

Select Icon Background to edit the background color for the navigation arrow.

Active Icon refers to the current navigation arrow being used.

Inactive Icon refers to the other navigation arrow not being used.

Active Icon Color

Choose the icon background color for the active icon from the color palette.

Inactive Icon Color

Choose the icon background color for the inactive icon from the color palette.

Icon Border                                  

Select Icon Border to edit the formatting style for the carousel icon border.

Active Icon Color

Choose the border color for the active icon from the color palette.

Inactive Icon Color

Choose the border color for the inactive icon from the color palette.


Choose the thickness for the icon border.


Set the radius for the icon.

Layout >  Background

Background Color

Choose the background color for the template from the color palette


Powered by

To add/remove the footer, toggle Add Powered by

Upload/Edit CSS

  1. Click Upload/Edit CSS to edit the preset template CSS file provided by VueX and modify/add your own code. Editing the code will override any changes made using the template editor.


  1. Click Save to save the changes.

Note: Click Download Help Guide at the bottom for any information you may need regarding modifying the CSS file.

Add Call-to Action (CTA)

The custom CTA option allows you to add custom action buttons for products. For example, Add to Cart. This CTA button is triggered by an action from the user. This Javascript code will be executed when the module is rendered on your site, enabling custom events and actions.

  1. Click Layout to expand options.

  2. Click Custom CTA>Add New CTA. The Custom CTA Editor window is displayed.

  1. Type a custom CTA name and define the functions by writing/editing the Javascript.

  2. Click Submit to add the new CTA.

Strategy Creation