
This model recommends products with attributes similar to the product currently in view. It enables your customers to discover new products from the catalog and quickens the purchasing decision. Based on various criteria, the model assigns, similarity score for each product, and the products with the highest similarity score are recommended to the customers.

You can configure this model to create various types of recommendation strategies by assigning varied importance to product attributes such as brand, color, and category. You can further streamline your boosting results with the facet-based boosting configuration. This allows you to select a category, over and above the global boost parameters, and customize results. For example, you can set precedence of color over pattern for a dress. 

Configuration Example

Example 1:

Configure this model to create a strategy with the following values:

Product Attribute(s):

Assign maximum importance to color

Assign negative importance to brand

Assign medium importance to pattern 

Choose yes for 1:1 affinity-based personalization 



Recommend products similar to those viewed by the customer with similar colored products appearing first, followed by products of similar pattern, and not showing products of the same brand. The recommendation results will be personalized, i.e., adapted based on the data collected about the customer's individual preferences. 

For example, if a customer views a red-colored, floral dress the customer has displayed a liking for long-sleeved dresses in the past, then the configured strategy will recommend more similar long-sleeved dresses in the following order.

In the above example, if you choose yes to 1:1 affinity-based personalizationThe result is displayed irrespective of the customer's past likings.

Configure Similar Products

  1. Choose Assets > Strategies from the top navigation bar.
  2. Click New Strategy.
  3. Choose Contextual  > Similar Products. The Manage Strategy page is displayed.

  4. Click to configure model parameters. 

  5. Click + to add a Product Attribute and choose an attribute from the drop-down.  The default product attributes are brand, color, and pattern.

  6. Drag the slider to indicate how important the product attribute is to the model. The values range from -1 to 1. 

    Note: Click Reset to Default to restore model parameters to default values.
  1. Click Additional Customization and select a Category from the drop-down.

  2. Drag the slider to indicate how important the category is to the model.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Indicate whether you want to apply 1:1 affinity-based personalization on the model.

Note: If you choose yes, the configured model parameters will be used as a starting point to deliver product recommendations. Thereafter the recommendations will be based on individual customer's affinities.

  1. Click Done.