A preset list of audiences has been configured based on specific behavioral criteria of the customers. So, every time there is a new visitor to the site, they are automatically assigned to one of these defined presets based on their behavioral characteristics. Audiences are recomputed once a day.

Audience Preset


New Visitors

Customers visiting your site for the first time.

Customers with one order

Customers who may have visited the site many times but have just once.

Repeat Visitors with no cart additions or purchases

Customers who have visited your site often but never added any product to the cart or made any purchases.

Cart Abandoners

Customers who have added a product to the cart but have not made any purchase. Visitors in the last 30 days are considered for this preset.

Repeat Buyers

Customers who have purchased more than once in the site.

High spenders

Customers who spend more than an average spender. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset. 

Full Price Purchasers

Customer who purchased all products at their full price. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset.

Discount Purchasers

Customers who purchased products at discounted prices. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset.

Note: The last updated catalog price is used for compare the prices.

Bulk Purchasers

Customers/Dealers/Wholesale purchasers who made bulk purchases. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset. 

Browsers without any Vue.ai engagement

Customers who viewed products without clicking on recommendations. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset.

Browsers without any Vue.ai exposure

Customers who viewed products without viewing any recommendations. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset.

Purchasers without any Vue.ai engagement

Customers who made purchases without any clicks on vue.ai modules. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset.

Purchasers without any Vue.ai exposure

Customers who made purchases without exposure to vue.ai modules. Visitors in the last 3 months are considered for this preset.

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Journey Management