On the home page, shoppers are typically browsing casually. This is the best touchpoint to inspire and encourage them to explore more products. You can place the trending products module to display the most popular products to your visitors.
Uplift: Increased user engagement and improved conversion rate
Create a template for rendering the product recommendation.
Step 1: Create a strategy by configuring the Trending model.
Step 2: Create a module by combining the trending strategy and the template and enter the following details for the module:
- Total number of product tiles
- Title for the recommendation module
- Assign a single strategy to all tiles
Step 3: Create an experience for the Home page and add the trending module.
- Choose inline or pop-behavior for the module
- Select the placement for the module
Step 4: Create a journey by adding the experience for the home page
Step 5: Run A/B Test
Step 5: Publish the journey to the website.